In fact as we ve learned with all mlms most will probably be lucky not to lose money. Younique income disclosure statement.
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Out of nearly 100 000 of younique presenters less than 20 will earn around 1 000 a month before expenses.

Salary younique income disclosure. Luckily for you and i younique royalties program compensation plan is not only generous but also one of the easiest to understand and to explain to your prospective team members. In june 2016 purse maker luci bags llc sued younique for trademark infringement after shelaine maxfield wife of ceo derek maxfield bought a set of. That tells us that on average each presenter received around 87 39 for the entire year of 2016.
990 return of organization exempt from income tax 2016 ß 9 9 9 public disclosure copy x the younique foundation 47 2535198 3400 w mayflower ave suite 500 385 345 4556 3 961 506. How does younique work. For comparison according to non profit watch dog charity navigator top charities spend around 5 of their budgets on salary and benefits.
A free inside look at younique salary trends based on 86 salaries wages for 73 jobs at younique. Salary information comes from 48 data points collected directly from employees users and past and present job advertisements on indeed in the past 36 months. Salaries posted anonymously by younique employees.
Lehi ut 84043 chris yadon x 3400 w mayflower ave suite 500 lehi ut 8 x. Most as we ve discovered from our sums above will be lucky to earn 14 a month with younique. It s a post by this woman trying to scam innocent people into joining her circle so she earns more passive income.
That s only 240 people out of the 1 2 million total sellers. One big sign of younique s rapid and continuing growth is that coty another beauty company announced it was purchasing a 60 percent stake in younique in 2017. 990 return of organization exempt from income tax 2017 9 9 9 public disclosure copy the younique foundation 47 2535198 3400 w mayflower ave suite 500 385 345 4556 6 835 574.
With younique they rely on a multi level marketing distribution strategy. The younique royalties program review explaining compensation plans can be difficult and sometimes daunting. While it s possible that they had less presenters 2 years ago in 2016 let s pretend they only had half a million.
Coty agreed to pay around 600 million in cash and debt to purchase the company. It s not all fun and games though and luckily. Lehi ut 84043 chris yadon x 3400 w mayflower ave suite 500 lehi ut 8 x.
At this level the average annual income for younique presenters was 174 70. Fact the younique site itself says that only 0 02 of the presenters achieve decent numbers. The average younique salary ranges from approximately 38 806 per year for customer service representative to 50 000 per year for independent representative.
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